Digital campus: definition, challenges and practical applications to support the learner's learning path

Published on July 8, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Placed at the heart of the information system, the digital campus represents the full range of dematerialized services available to learners at every stage of their studies. This is a major challenge for many educational establishments, whether universities, grandes écoles or professional and continuing training organizations. It enables higher education Schools to enhance their image and attractiveness by offering each learner an individualized experience. What is a digital campus? Find out what's at stake and some concrete examples of applications.

Digital campus

The digital campus is first and foremost a School project. The digital campus combines teaching and technology in new School systems. A real digital device responding to the needs of higher education, the digital campus solution brings together the building blocks of a learner's lifecycle: from prospect/applicant to alumni.

As an EdTech company, Kosmos has over 20 years' experience in the framing and management of digital projects. and management of digital projects linked to higher and secondary education: websites, intranets, connected portals, enrolment portals... Kosmos can help you design and set up your digital campus. Here are the different e-services we have already developed for our customers.

Framing your digital education project

Kosmos' consulting services for your AMOA studies are based on its business expertise and an approved methodology in the education sector.
The AMOA study is an important step in securing upstream digital projects. You identify, formalize and prioritize the project's educational requirements and associated functionalities before starting to draft specifications.

It also enables you to measure project time and costs. All the advice provided by this study will facilitate the design of your digital education project. They will enable you to provide a solution that fully meets the needs of your School.

Find out more about the different stages of AMOA consulting for education >>.

E-services to meet School recruitment challenges

Career Explorer: an e-service dedicated to Educational counselling

As part of The attendance register for the PIA Orientation project (Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir) launched by the French Ministries of Education, Higher Education and ResearchEnseignement supérieur et de la Recherche and Caisse des dépôts, Kosmos has been selected in 2019 for its "l'explorateur de parcours (ExP)" project.

The Pathfinder is an innovative e-service for choosing Educational counselling. High school students and future students can explore the field of possibilities to choose a career path that correlates with their interests and Skills. This solution has been designed to improve the link with possible courses of study, possible gateways / reorientations, targeted professions and job prospects.

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A well-referenced website for better recruitment

For a School, successfully attracting new prospects is essential. A well-referenced website is essential to win over prospects who are still High school students. At Kosmos, we can help you set up a website that will optimize your brand image and centralize your School's data. This website is fully integrated into your information system, making it easy to display and manage your data online. In fact, it's a tool that fully integrates the business needs of higher education (training, directory, intranet...).

Kosmos also develops a wide range of E-services for universities to help them optimize their visibility and attract high school students, such as online enrolment and registration for campus events: open days, course trial periods, interviews, public lectures...

An optimized training catalog

Nantes Université, for example, has placed the presentation of its training catalog at the heart of its digital strategy. For this reason, it wanted an innovative digital tool to showcase its training courses, meeting several strategic challenges: enhancing its brand image, making its offer more legible and converting leads. Nantes University is now a truly digital campus, encompassing the different stages in a learner's life at the School.

We've been working together for over 15 years. When Kosmos asked us to co-design the new training extension, we immediately agreed.

Marc PÉRON, Director of Communications, Nantes University.

When a Student is prospecting on a School's website, he or she is looking for information about potentially becoming a candidate for the School. They ask about the various steps involved in applying to the school in question. If the student is accepted by the School, he or she becomes eligible to enroll: complete the required documents, pass the entrance exam...

The online application process

After working with the Kosmos team to set up the training offer on its website, Nantes Université is continuing the partnership by entrusting the same team with the creation of a new web service: online registration. The Kosmos solutioning County supported Nantes Université at every stage of this ambitious project, from the definition of requirements through to implementation and monitoring, with a high level of service and security. At the start of the new academic year, over 20,000 of the 25,000 student files submitted were confirmed online.

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A digital solution dedicated to tracking the learner's lifecycle

Centralize information via ENT

Setting up a digital business environment is at the heart of a School's transformation towards a digital campus.

As part of its digital transition, CESI (Campus d'Enseignement Supérieur et de Formation Professionnelle) wanted a central space for the learner's learning path. The choice of a robust, secure, configurable and interoperable ENT solution capable of integrating with their existing information system was fundamental.

Kosmos broadened our vision of digital services and ENT by showing us that the Skolengo ENT was more than just a set of user-oriented business services.

Vincent Millet, Director of Information Systems at CESI (2014-2020)

Since the roll-out of their digital campus, CESI has recorded over 2 million page views and already over 600,000 visits to their EMS (Education Management Software).

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A unique tool for tracking your career

With its Skolengo EMS*, Kosmos provides Schools with a single, homogeneous interface giving the Group a strong identity. Follow-up tools such as time management (planning, international stays, registration for internal events, etc.), Internships or Course alternation offers, graduation requirements, etc. enable the learner to access all information in a single place.

*EMS = Education Management Software

Diploma dematerialization

Digital certification is an important step in the digital transformation of higher education and its ecosystem. To offer its customers ever more innovative solutions, Kosmos, a member of the EdTech network, supports innovative startups in the education sector. Since its partnership with BCDiplomaKosmos offers its customers a certification/dematerialization service for diplomas using blockchain* technology.

*blockchain = A blockchain is a database containing the history of all exchanges between its users since its creation. This database is secure and distributed: it is shared by its various users, without intermediaries, enabling each one to confirm the validity of the chain.

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Kosmos supports your project for a digital campus solution

Our Kosmos teams, specialists in digital education issues, can offer you customized solutions (with Kosmos solutioning) for specific digital projects and/or an all-in-one solution (with Skolengo) to suit your needs in terms of a digital campus.

Here are a few examples of completed projects: