Educational counselling: ApLLy, an online Ranking test offered by Nantes University

Published on March 14, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

Nantes Université would like to help High school students decide which STAPS course to choose. In fact, the success rate for this course, which is so popular with high school students, is falling, particularly in the transition from Licence 1 to Licence 2. To avoid disillusionment among high school students and reduce the failure rate in this section, Nantes Université has decided to set up a new online digital tool to help them in their choice of post-bac Educational counselling.

STAPS, a field in high demand

The STAPS (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives) section is the third most popular bachelor's degree on Parcoursup in 2020. Over the past ten years, enrolment has doubled to 60,000 students for 2019-2020.

In Nantes, the UFR STAPS is also one of the most sought-after courses, with many applications for few successful candidates (around 10% of accepted applications for 5,000 applicants).

This is a selective course, and the failure rate remains relatively high. Many students enroll in the STAPS stream out of a passion for sports, but are not always sufficiently prepared for university studies.

ApLLy Auto-positionnement en Ligne pour les Lycéens)
ApLLy Auto-positionnement en Ligne pour les Lycéens)

For these reasons, Nantes Université has been acting for several years on 2 levels:

  • High school students, through information and Educational counselling programs designed to improve understanding of what is expected of them and to encourage applications from profiles suited to these studies.
  • For students, via schemes to identify, coach and support students in difficulty.

A digital service to support High school students in their choice of Educational counselling

The device ApLLy (Self Ranking Online for High school students) is part of the strategy initiated by Nantes University. This service, developed by Kosmos teams, is designed to raise awareness among high school students of the expectations of the STAPS program (scientific skills, sporting skills, literary and argumentative skills, commitment) and to enable future.e student to self-assess the match between his or her aspirations and his or her academic and sporting career.

Through a question-and-answer scenario, ApLLy provides the High school student with an advice and recommendations based on High school student and student profile data from previous years. This Ranking test remains an indication for applicants, and is not used for selection in "Parcoursup".

Test your chances of success in STAPS : Take the test
ApLLy Auto-positionnement en Ligne pour les Lycéens)
ApLLy Auto-positionnement en Ligne pour les Lycéens)
High school student interface questionnaire
High school student interface "Opinions on school performance

A digital tool for higher education

For Nantes Université, this self-ranking test raises awareness among high school students of the Skills needed to apply to STAPS, enabling us to better regulate applications in a context of tension in the field.

The test can be easily configured by course managers. The interface enables them to create and modify the questionnaire and recommendation messages themselves, to set the display conditions for the different messages according to the answers to the questions, and to access a summary of the answers.

ApLLy en quelques chiffres : •	Effectif STAPS doublé en 10 ans en France •	1 enseignant pour 70 étudiants •	Depuis sa mise en place 8 515 questionnaires réalisés pour la filière STAPS
ApLLy en quelques chiffres : • Effectif STAPS doublé en 10 ans en France • 1 enseignant pour 70 étudiants • Depuis sa mise en place 8 515 questionnaires réalisés pour la filière STAPS
In anticipation of the opening of Parcoursup 2021 vows, the interface and scenarios for the Ranking test were finalized in just 2 months of exchanges and development. In partnership with the C2D and Parcoursup, the STAPS test was then rolled out to all the STAPS UFRs in France, enabling high school students to better inform themselves before applying.

Future prospects for ApLLy digital services

Other university courses, such as medicine, law and psychology, are also victims of their own success, and face strong demand from students even though they offer a limited number of places.

With ApLLy, UFR managers will be able to create tests so that a high school student interested in a university course can quickly estimate his or her chances of success, based on actual data from previous classes (academic profiles and results).

Data analysis requires the intervention of a datascientist or statistician. The anonymized data comes from several sources (Parcoursup, student surveys, L1 results). The analysis should make it possible to identify the main factors explaining a student's success or failure, to propose the corresponding questions, and to weight the different answers.

Now that the Ranking test management tool is operational, further developments are planned to provide UFR managers with the means to build their own tests using automated data analysis tools.

Tailor-made solutions with Kosmos solutioning

With Kosmos solutioningour teams offer tailor-made solutions for large-scale projects. Here are a few project examples:

  • For Local authorities: application Gesmatfor managing the IT assets of the Grand Est Region.
  • For government services :Foliosthe national e-portfolio solution for Educational counselling, supported by Onisep.
  • For the French Ministry of Education and RENATER : Administrator of Access to Resources (GAR)Participation in the implementation of the national secure access system for digital resources in schools.
  • For universities: development of an onlineonline registration for Nantes University.