Service M'orienter: a new information e-service dedicated to Educational counselling for students in the Occitanie Region

Published on February 3, 2022 by Laure - Updated on 14 mai 2024 à 11H15

The Occitanie Region and the Regional education authorities of Montpellier and Toulouse have worked with Kosmos teams to develop a new information e-service dedicated to Educational counselling.

This e-service called "M'Orientation" is aimed at all secondary school students in the Occitanie Region, and is accessible via Mon ENT Occitanie, published by Kosmos via its Skolengo solution.

Promote educational counselling initiatives for students in the Region via the network of portals.

The Occitanie Region and the Regional education authorities wanted to develop a fun service to promote Educational counselling for students.

To achieve this, several lines of communication were defined:

  • Create an Educational counselling page on the Region's Portal. Content would be provided by various partners specializing in the subject (Onisep, Parcoursup, CIO, Regional education authorities, etc.),
  • Create a dedicated service on ENT for Secondary schools and High schools. The aim is to encourage each School to communicate on the subject of Educational counselling.

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Communicate with students about regional Educational counselling services via ENT

service m'orienter - région occitanie et kosmos skolengo
service m'orienter - région occitanie et kosmos skolengo

This information e-service can be accessed via the "Educational counselling" menu in theENT. It takes the form of thematic inserts dedicated to career information and Educational counselling resources. The aim of the Educational counselling service is to support each Student throughout his or her school career, and to facilitate his or her integration into the world of work.

In addition to practical Educational counselling information such as contact information and School events dedicated to Educational counselling, this e-service displays in real time on the School's ENT Educational counselling articles from the Region's ENT portal..

m'orienter région occitanie
m'orienter région occitanie

Here is the information available to Students on the ENT :

  • Educational counselling centre Each School is associated with a Maison de l'Orientation - a physical home with dedicated staff to welcome and inform users, present in each Regional education authority Toulouse and Montpellier - whose contact details are automatically displayed according to the nearest School.
  • Contacts - Educational counselling List of School psychologists, with the option of contacting them via the ENT Mailbox.
  • School actions School actions: Allows each School to highlight its own Educational counselling actions.

This new service enables Students to obtain all the information they need for Educational counselling in a single place: the ENT "Mon ENT Occitanie".

Tailor-made solutions with Kosmos solutioning

With Kosmos solutioningour teams offer tailor-made solutions for large-scale projects. Here are a few project examples:

  • For Local authorities application Gesmat application for IT asset management in the Grand Est Region, ARS application for school catering assistance in the Haute-Garonne and Pyrénées-Orientales regions, etc.
  • For decentralized government services : Foliosthe national e-portfolio solution for Educational counselling, supported by Onisep.
  • For the French Ministry of Education and RENATER : Administrator for Access to Resources (GAR)Participation in the implementation of the national secure access system for digital resources in schools.
  • For universities development of an online registration system for Nantes Université.

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